Oh, these big corporations! Are we going to continue to let them go unchecked and unabated? BP is in the process of destroying the gulf of Mexico and Monsanto will kill us all off eventually. But we are blinded by laws, rules and regulations which our government has put in place to protect the big corporations. We go on with our lives thinking that we are being cared for, we have the FDA to guard our food, right? Have you heard who Obama has put in place over the FDA? Why it's Michael Taylor, former chief lobbyist for Monsanto, as our new “food safety czar”. What was he thinking? Let's let the fox guard the hen house. Taylor is the man most responsible for getting recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH) approved for use in dairy cows. The very stuff that we try to avoid when buying a carton of milk.
Europe has outlawed these genetically modified foods, but we continue to grow them and the more of them that is out there, the worse it gets. Bee's and the wind are cross pollinating them with our normal crops. Maybe one day there will be no "normal".
They grew a potato in England that was going to provide tons of food, it was insect resistant due to a genetic alteration.. But in the end they discovered that it caused caused serious organ damage when it was fed to animals. They found pre-cancerous growths in their digestive tracts. It destroyed their immune systems. They soon became sick and weak. And they had smaller brains, livers, and testicles. This was covered up at first. But when it was revealed they outlawed GM foods. Are we ever going to wise up?
There is a Russian study out there stating that if we continue on this path, we will be seriously affected. Hamsters were given GMO soy and found by the third generation that they were sterile and they even had hair growing in their mouths. Here's a link to some of this study: http://www.responsibletechnology.org/utility/showArticle/?objectID=4888#hair The results of these tests are suppose to come out later this summer. We'll see.
Some of the findings coming from Europe are:
- Allergies increased. When GMO soy was introduced, allergies jumped by 50%. Allergen proteins were 7 times higher. Some were unique only to GMO soy.
- It wreaked havoc on digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Digestive enzymes plummeted, and GMOs caused lesions in the digestive tract.
- Proteins that control stress response and energy creation in cells changed. This resulted in faster aging of cells.
- It caused reproductive problems. Sperm cells had trouble developing, and embryos showed altered genes. Offspring were smaller, and many more died.
When farmers get their GMO seeds, they sign an agreement stating they will not research the product. In other words they are totally oblivious to what they are feeding to us. The only testing that happens is testing that the manufacturers approve. This sounds totally like a conflict of interest to me. Why does our government allow such things? It's the big G word. Greed. God did say, money is the root of all evil. Oh how true.
If you care about your health and future generations you will watch what you eat. Try to buy only organic produce, stay away from non organic, corn, soy and canola products. Don't eat corn chips or tortilla's, use olive, sunflower or safflower oils. 90% of soy and 60% of corn are GMO. Buy only grass fed beef from your area.
And good luck, we are all going to need some.
(much of this info is from Dr. Sears and Dr. Mercola)